Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Last night I went to the School of the Museum of Fine Arts to pick up my work from the InsideOut sale.  I was expecting to be lugging all four paintings home so I was surprised (totally) when told two of my watercolors had sold.  While trying to remain somewhat composed-- inside myself  I am jumping up and down with glee.  And with this outward composure I made the mature  response of  "Really?"  A sale of my work can produce such powerful emotions.  First there is a sense of surprise, then awe that leads to excitement/delight blended with feeling extremely honored that my painting has grabbed someone's attention and spoken to them in such a way that they will then invite this work into their home.  And with each sale the element of surprise and delight never diminishes.  A buyer not only empowers an artist by supporting their endeavors in the studio but they also by give us that springboard to jump in "cannonball style" with a big smile and to continue splashing!  

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